Visit Kansas

National Parks
Brown v. Board of Education
A place with a lot of history to tell, Monroe Elemenary school was one of four segregated schools in Topeka Kansas and was home to a student named Linda Brown and her Father Oliver. Brown who's legal battle against segregation reached all the way to the Supreme Court ended segregation in public schools. Today Monroe Elementary is home to artifacts and offers a glimpse of what a segregated school looked like.
Tallgrass Praire National Preserve
While Tallgrass prairie once covered 170 million acres of North America, today less than 4% of it remains intact. Home to over 150 species of birds, 30 reptiles, and 31 mammals, Tallgrass Praire is a refuge for many animals making it a perfect place to visit if you like seeing wildlife. If watching animals isn't your thing, then try one of the many trails the prairie has to offer.
Fort Larned National Historic Site
Located in Western Kansas, Fort Larned is a 410 acre park that contains orginal and restored buildings for the 19th century. Orginally founded to protect pioneers and traders from plain indians, the fort quickly grew to the size of a small town containing everything from barracks to a hospital.